School Profile
Vision: Commitment. Innovation. Excellence.
Mission: LNE provides a rigorous student-focused learning community devoted to growth and achievement.
Demographics: Lake Norman Elementary serves over 650 kindergarten through fifth grade students living in the southern end of Iredell County. To learn more about our demographics, click here.
Program Offerings: Lake Norman Elementary offers a rigorous, child-centered curriculum through differentiated instruction designed to meet the needs of all students. We use the Positive Behavior Support plan with our students. In this plan, we teach students to be safe, respectful, and responsible. We provide enhancements in the areas of music, art, physical education, media, technology and guidance. Please check the Activities page for the many extra curricular offerings at LNE.
Contact Information:
Lake Norman Elementary
Nichole Tilley, Principal
255 Oak Tree Road Mooresville, NC 28117
P 704-662-8261
F 704-662-8264
Office Hours: 7am-4pm
Student School Hours: 7:20am-2:10pm
Summer Office Hours: 8am-4pm
(Summer Hours also apply to when school is in session but students are not present at school, ie: teacher workdays)